Wednesday, August 26, 2009


hi this is my new blog for english it is sooo cool :)!!!!

The Dark Hills Divide: Interview with Ganesh

ALEXA: Hello, and thankyou for agreeing to do my Interview.

GANESH: Yeah, so what do you want to know? Hurry up! (bored)

ALEXA: So, Ganesh, What is your real name?

GANESH: (sigh) Sebastian, don’t you already know that!

ALEXA: Err ok so, your name is Sebastian, why did you change it?

GANESH: I changed my name for protection against the guards, it is what any smart person would do.

ALEXA: So, you changed your name to protect yourself?

GANESH: Yer of course! I just said that!

ALEXA: Umm, I believe that you have called yourself a Vagabond. Is this true?

GANESH: I am a Vagabond, a wanderer by choice…

ALEXA: I also believe that you were a criminal, so if you were a Vagabond and a Criminal how come you have No ‘V’s or ‘C’s branded on your body.

GANESH: I have a V on my chest and a C branded on my Cheek. (Shows her the V branded on his chest & a part of the C branded on his low right cheek) HAPPY?

ALEXA: Yes so it is true, what is a Vagabond exactly?

GANESH: A Vagabond? What do you think I am? A bunny? He he you make me laugh of your punney existence…

ALEXA: Ok then… So why didn’t you want to work?

GANESH: Well, who does want to work? Whoever does must be insane!

ALEXA: My father likes to work!

GANESH: Well I don’t! Hurry up! Just ask the next question.

ALEXA: Ok then… so if you could turn back time, would you try to not to be a Vagabond?

GANESH: No, because no matter what I’ll still be a Vagabond… I rather die then do work…

ALEXA: No, you rather have pain then work for money? To me it just seems odd, don’t you think?

GANESH: Well, when you put it that way but still I hate working!

ALEXA: Ok then, well… what are the conditions on being a Vagabond as in like could you die?

GANESH: I’ve known that some of my friends have died and others have been beaten up and could’ve died but that never happened to me…

ALEXA: So even if you were a Vagabond, you would still possibly die compared to having a normal life working. Sounds a bit strange?

GANESH: well… yehh but still… (Speechless)

ALEXA: … So, did you plan the invasion of convicts on Bridewell for revenge?

GANESH: I planned the invasion for revenge, what else would I do it for?

ALEXA: Well, what revenge exactly?

GANESH: Revenge as in paying back to the people who have either done something bad to you? What am I now? A walking dictionary?

ALEXA: So you mean as in you gave revenge back to the people who have made you a convict and could’ve beaten you up?

GANESH: Finally you got your brain working!

ALEXA: You remember Warvold? You remember when he mysteriously died?

GANESH: yes? Everyone does…

ALEXA: Well, for your devious plan, to keep your secret safe, you would have to kill him wouldn’t you?

GANESH: Well, you do have that part right… what about it?

ALEXA: you killed him didn’t you? You poisoned his dinner before our walk! That’s why he died in one click…

GANESH: Err, umm can we not do this?

ALEXA: SEBASTIAN! Just admit it! You killed him didn’t you?

GANESH: Well, yes… but if I was going to achieve my better life, I would have to kill you all…

ALEXA: You should feel ashamed Sebastian… anyway; I should move on… did you also kill Renny just like you did to Warvold?

GANESH: No! Never! I would never do that to Renny… she died by old age…

ALEXA: Oh ok… so if you didn’t kill her, were you going to kill her?

GANESH: Not really, though I could’ve since she found out my secret and warned Warvold…

ALEXA: Ok… so, everyone cared for you; you had many friends, why did you want to throw it all away for the Convicts to invade Bridewell?

GANESH: Because, I was the only one who had a ‘C’ branded down LOW compared the others which gave me a advantage… especially, those other convicts needed a smart leader to lead them… and I didn’t care about my friends, I thought they just did that to keep me here.

ALEXA: Well I am down to my last 2 Questions…

GANESH: (interrupts Alexa) Yes well hurry up! The last thing I want to do is talk to a weirdo.

ALEXA: Yes well, did you ever think that we would find out about you being Sebastian?

GANESH: I did, because I didn’t realise that a stupid little child would know about my secret plan…

ALEXA: Lastly, when you were the NICE Ganesh, why were you so fond of Warvold and i?

GANESH: For my plan if you were actually smart and not stupid like if thought you were, I thought that I would get you and Warvold closer to me and I mysteriously kill you and Warvold so I could invade Bridewell!

ALEXA: well… thankyou again for helping with my interview you MAY go.

GANESH: THANKYOU! (finally out of this boring stuff).